Milestones of Manushi Institute of Yoga

     Manushi Institute of Yoga has made significant strides in the field of yoga education, research, and promotion. Here are some of the notable milestones, affiliations, academic programs, and activities associated with the institute:

1. Founded with a vision to promote a life full of happiness, health, and wealth for everyone.
2. Established in the cosmic land of Yoga, Chidambaram, in 1995.
3. Affiliated, accredited, and supported by prestigious institutions including Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Annamalai University, City Metropolitan College in Singapore, and Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University.

1. Affiliated with Yoga Alliance, a U.S.-based nonprofit organization for yoga teachers.
2. Accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) for their Advanced Yoga Therapy program, meeting gold standard certifications.

Partner Centers:
1. Collaborates with over 100 Yoga Centers across major cities in India.
2. Expands its reach globally with centers in Egypt, Muscat, Oman, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden, Poland, Canada, and the USA.

Academic Programs:
1. Has produced more than 10,000 Yoga professionals.
2. Offers a wide range of academic programs, including Yoga Teachers Training, International Yoga Therapist Teachers Training, Diplomas, PG Diplomas, and M.Sc. in Yoga.
3. Collaborative programs such as Yoga and Panchakarma, Plant-Based Nutrition, Aqua Yoga, Yoga for Children with Disabilities, Yoga for Nursing, Advanced Yoga, and Applied Yogic Science.
4. Unique programs like Garbha Deepika (Educating the Fetus), Bala Vidhya (Developing 8 types of Intelligence in 0-3 Year-olds), and FutZen (School Students aged 5-15).

Research Activity:
1. Guided more than 5,00 Yoga Research Scholars.
2. Focuses on areas such as creating future generations from preconception, enhancing baby intelligence, reversing lifestyle disorders, psycho-physiological impacts, dietary lifestyle, health-related physical fitness, and brain-injured children.
3. Published study materials for UGC NET (National Eligibility Test for Yoga Professors) and YCB (Yoga Professionals Eligibility Test).
4. Translated "World Peace Diet" by Will Tuttle into Tamil and authored more than 50 yoga-related books.

1. Actively participates in International Day of Yoga celebrations, including an online celebration in 2020.
2. Organized celebrations with participation from one million people worldwide in 2019, over 2150 people in Malaysia, and more than 8500 students in Chennai in 2017.

Camps and Workshops:
1. Conducts Star Summer Camps for Children, Health Camps for Reversing Lifestyle Disorders, Diabetes Awareness Camps, and Healthy Heart Camps.
2. Organized and conducted over 200 workshops in India and abroad, covering topics like Medi Yoga, Functional Anatomy of Yoga, Garbha Deepika, Office Yoga, and Yoga Awareness Programs.
3. Manushi Institute of Yoga's dedication to education, research, and the promotion of yoga is evident through its diverse academic programs, research initiatives, and outreach activities, both in India and on a global scale.